Hello Buddies.

It's time to play tic-tac-toe, but this time, not with pen and paper. 
We will create our own page that allows us to play tic-tac-toe and determines the winner.

You can get the complete code here -

So what should we start with?

Here we go -

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> < !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "" > < html > < head > < meta http - equiv = "Content-Type" content = "text/html; charset=UTF-8" > <!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS --> < link rel = "stylesheet" href = "" > <!-- jQuery library --> < script src = "" > < /script> <!-- Latest compiled JavaScript --> < script src = "" > < /script> < link rel = "stylesheet" href = "./stylish.css" / > < title > GaMe - BeGiN < /title> < script type = "text/javascript" > function createTable() { document.getElementById("rules") .setAttribute("style", "display: block"); document.getElementById("createT").setAttribute("style", "display: none"); document.getElementById("destroyT").setAttribute("style", "display: block"); var theTable = document.getElementById("myDivTable"); var createdTable = document.createElement("table"); createdTable.setAttribute("class", "whatATable"); createdTable.setAttribute("border", "1"); var tabBody = document.createElement("tbody"); createdTable.appendChild(tabBody); for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { var myRow = document.createElement("tr"); tabBody.appendChild(myRow); for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { var myCol = document.createElement("td"); myCol.setAttribute("class", "whatACell"); // var myText = document.createTextNode("Cell "+ i + "," + j); // as alternative var myButton = document.createElement("input"); myButton.setAttribute("id", i + "," + j); // myButton.setAttribute("value","Cell "+ i + "," + j); // myCol.appendChild(myText); // as alternative myCol.appendChild(myButton); // myCol.setAttribute("id", i + "," + j); myRow.appendChild(myCol); } } theTable.appendChild(createdTable); } function evaluate() { // alert('hello!'); var a00 = document.getElementById("0,0").value; var a01 = document.getElementById("0,1").value; var a02 = document.getElementById("0,2").value; var a10 = document.getElementById("1,0").value; var a11 = document.getElementById("1,1").value; var a12 = document.getElementById("1,2").value; var a20 = document.getElementById("2,0").value; var a21 = document.getElementById("2,1").value; var a22 = document.getElementById("2,2").value; if ((a00 != '' && a01 != '' && a02 != '' && (a00 == a01 && a01 == a02)) || (a10 != '' && a11 != '' && a12 != '' && (a10 == a11 && a11 == a12)) || (a20 != '' && a21 != '' && a22 != '' && (a20 == a21 && a21 == a22)) || (a00 != '' && a10 != '' && a20 != '' && (a00 == a10 && a10 == a20)) || (a01 != '' && a11 != '' && a21 != '' && (a01 == a11 && a11 == a21)) || (a02 != '' && a12 != '' && a22 != '' && (a02 == a12 && a12 == a22)) || (a00 != '' && a11 != '' && a22 != '' && (a00 == a11 && a11 == a22)) || (a02 != '' && a11 != '' && a20 != '' && (a02 == a11 && a11 == a20)) ) { alert('We have a winner!'); } } $(document).keyup(function (event) { // alert('Handler for .keypress() called. - ' + event.charCode); evaluate(); }); function destroyTable() { location.reload(); } < /script> < /head> < body class = "extraContainer" > < div class = "container" align = "center" > < hr > < button onclick = "createTable()" id = "createT" class = "btn btn-success" > Create Table < /button> < hr > < div id = "rules" style = "display: none" > < h3 > Only X or 0 allowed! < /h3> < /div> < hr > < div id = "myDivTable" > < /div> < hr > < button onclick = "destroyTable()" id = "destroyT" style = "display: none" class = "btn btn-danger" > Destroy Table < /button> < hr > < /div> < /body> < /html>

We have 2 beautiful snippets here, if you could just observe the jsp code.

1. First of all, createTable(). It shows you how to create a table in the jsp dynamically.
   (Sounds useful isn't it. You can use it elsewhere as well)

2. Then comes the evaluate() method, that will evaluate if any valid triplet is created or not with every keypress.

Short and simple, and rest upto you.

I don't say it's the most efficient way, but surely it is an easy way, that along with its implementation will make you comfortable with javascript methods.

Do share you versions of the game or tips to do better coding for the buddies.

Happy Coding!!

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